Breaking Good – Breaking Bad News

Greg Braxton wrote an interesting article on show creator Vince Gilligan in the L.A. Times tomorrow, but you can read it on-line now.  Sure seems like there’s a lot of stuff going on in Vince’s head in these last few pieces, huh? And not all of it sunshine and kittens.

I thought this was an interesting take from Richard B. Woodward in the Huffington Post.  I’m not sure I agree about wanting to see the show push into The Wire territory and explore more the destructive effects of meth on neighborhoods and lives.  I think we get that, and this just isn’t what the show is about.  Baltimore was the star of The Wire, Albuquerque is not the star of Breaking Bad.   Not when you have Bryan Cranston around.

What do you guys think?  Should Breaking Bad focus more on social and racial matters?  Do they have a blindspot here?  Let us know!